Acquiring or investing at an entity level in an operator, developer or investment manager can be at times an efficient and strategic means to gain access to a market, acquire synergetic skill sets and deploy capital. In particular, CoIP’s foreign investors with long term investment objectives find such an approach appealing as it provides them with a dedicated foothold in a market and enables creation of enterprise value over time.
In addition to acquiring, a Co-GP Investment is an alternate and appealing structure to strategically leverage your capital.
- A Co-GP investment allows the investor to access larger transactions while leveraging their capital and achieving higher returns. In addition, Co-GP investments enables an investor to spread their capital across various transactions.
- A Co-GP investment allows the operator and developer to leverage their equity investment resulting in a greater availability of capital and / or attract a more suitable LP investor.
CoInvestment Partners provides post-closing strategic direction to operators and developers on behalf of our investors. CoIP empowers the investor again by functioning as an extension of their team and managing such time and resource intensive investment structures.
CoIP has formed a strategic alliance with The CenterCap Group to underwrite, value and structure Entity Level Investments. The management team at CenterCap Group has been involved in more than $135 billion in M&A and capital market transactions.